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Changing Lives Through Horses

The Changing Lives Through Horses program is an Alternative Provision offer for young people who are struggling in mainstream education settings. Mapped across the National Curriculum, it incorporates English, Maths and Science topics into an equestrian curriculum.

Check out this short video on our Facebook page for a flavour of what happens during a session. 

Young people can work towards industry recognised accredited qualifications and Personal Development qualifications. We see huge changes in young people's self esteem as young people discover something that they love and can achieve success in. Key outcomes are: Confidence, Communication, Team Work, Positive Relationships, Responsibility and Perseverance.

“X has really turned herself around and Stepney Banks has a huge role to pay in this.” Teacher

“I just wanted to send an email to say a huge thank you for Monday. X was over the moon by her certificates, card and cake. She did feel awkward at the time, but all the way home she couldn’t stop smiling and was so excited to share this with her family and friends. I wanted to say a huge thank you, the development in X since coming to the stables in her attitude and confidence has been amazing.” Youth Justice worker

To find out more and to arrange an initial visit contact

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